Saturday, April 11, 2009

Free (almost) genuine gemstone jewelry

What budget girl wouldn't love that? One of my favorite sites that I check regularly for guilt-free impulse shopping is Silver Jewelry Club. They offer four pieces of jewelry, each for 15 minutes each, and there's a countdown clock under each piece. If you miss out on one, keep your eyes peeled and it may come around again (but no promises).

Why do I say "almost" free? Well, you do have to pay a flat $6.99 for shipping, but that's infinitely reasonable considering what you get in return--high quality sterling silver and genuine gemstones, usually in the 1-carat range. I've bought many, many pieces from them over the years, and I've always been impressed with the quality of the gemstones. It's one of the things I'm rather picky about, so getting stones that are intensely colored (the amethyst is never faded, the garnet always deep red) is what keeps me coming back again and again and again.

Their usual offerings are rings, earrings and pendants--and if you don't have a chain for the pendant, you can add on a sterling silver box chain--a sturdy link, not a delicate, easy-to-break link like a cable chain--with your choice of lengths, for $4. Again, a great deal.

It's a great way to build a casual jewelry wardrobe, and also a great place to go to pick up an inexpensive (but quality) gift for someone.

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